Find a comfortable place to sit or lay down. Close your eyes and begin to focus on your breath. Take a deep inhale through your nose, holding it for a moment, then slowly release the breath through your mouth. Repeat this a few times, letting your body settle into a calm and peaceful state.

Imagine you are walking down a gentle path. The sun is shining, and there is a gentle breeze, carrying with it the scent of blooming flowers and fresh grass. The air is filled with the gentle sounds of birds singing and leaves rustling. You feel a sense of peace and calm as you continue to breathe deeply.

As you walk, you come across a beautiful field, surrounded by tall, whispering trees. In the center of this field is a perfect spot to sit down and relax. You approach this spot and sit down, feeling the soft grass beneath you, and allowing the serene surroundings to fully envelop you.

Continue to focus on your breath as you sit in this peaceful field. Feel the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe in and out. Notice how each breath draws you deeper into a state of relaxation, each inhalation filling you with peace, each exhalation releasing any tension.

Now, in this relaxed and serene state, begin to reflect on a moment of angst or confusion you may have experienced recently. Feel the emotions as they were, but do not let them overwhelm you. Remember that you are in a safe and peaceful place now.

Think of that inner voice that often guides you. This is your intuition, your inner wisdom. It may seem faint at times, especially during moments of stress, but know that it’s always there.

Breathe deeply, and as you exhale, imagine releasing the fear, confusion, or tension associated with that moment of angst. As you inhale, imagine drawing in clarity and wisdom from that inner voice.

Ask yourself a question or seek guidance on something that’s been on your mind. Allow your intuition to speak to you. Listen quietly and patiently. The answer may come as a feeling, a thought, or even a visual image. Trust in what you receive.

Spend a few more moments in this beautiful field, thanking your intuition for its guidance. Know that you can return to this place anytime you need to connect with that guiding inner voice.

Slowly begin to become aware of your physical surroundings. Gently wiggle your fingers and toes, and when you’re ready, open your eyes.

Remember that your intuition is always with you, ready to guide you, especially in moments of uncertainty. Trust in it, listen to it, and let it lead you along your path.