Begin by finding a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose, hold for a moment, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat this a few times, allowing your body to relax and your mind to focus on the journey ahead.

Imagine yourself in a lush, peaceful garden. The sun is gently warming your skin, and the wind is softly rustling the leaves. You feel a sense of peace and connection to all that is around you. Notice the colors, the sounds, and the fragrances.

In this garden, you notice a butterfly fluttering nearby. This butterfly is unique, radiating a soft glow, and you feel an intuitive pull to follow it.

As you walk, guided by the butterfly, you notice a path leading to a hidden area of the garden. Trusting your intuition, you follow the path, feeling the grass beneath your feet and the freshness of the air.

The butterfly leads you to a majestic tepee standing tall and strong, decorated with symbols and colors that resonate with your soul. It feels inviting, and you know this is a sacred place where knowledge and wisdom reside.

Slowly, you enter the tepee, feeling the calm and nurturing energy within. The butterfly guides you to the center, where a book rests on a wooden pedestal. The title of the book reads: “Knowledge of All That Is.”

Understanding that this book holds the answers to every conceivable question ever asked, you sit down and focus on a question that has been on your mind. Something that you need clarity on. Hold that question in your heart.

With a sense of reverence, you open the book. The pages are ancient yet vibrant, filled with wisdom and insights. You fan the pages, knowing that the perfect answer for you right now will reveal itself.

As you stop fanning, a page catches your eye, and you begin to read. The words resonate deeply with you, providing the clarity and guidance you were seeking. Take a moment to reflect on this answer, feeling its truth and relevance to your life.

Thank the butterfly, the tepee, and the book for this profound experience. Know that this wisdom is always available to you, and you can return here whenever you seek guidance.

Slowly begin to bring your awareness back to your physical surroundings. Feel the surface beneath you, and listen to the sounds around you. Take a deep breath, feeling the gratitude for this experience, and gently open your eyes.

You are now back in the present moment, carrying with you the wisdom and clarity you have gained.