Welcome to this guided Blue Moon meditation, a special practice to harness the rare and transformative energy of the Blue Moon. As we embark on this journey, find a quiet, comfortable space where you can sit or lie down. Surround yourself with any crystals, candles, or symbols that resonate with you, and let the radiant energy of the Blue Moon envelop you.

Now, let’s begin by focusing on our breath. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose, feeling your chest and belly expand. Hold it for a moment, and then slowly exhale through your mouth, releasing all tension. Continue this breathing pattern, inhaling peace and tranquility, exhaling stress and worry. Feel the natural rhythm of your breath, a gentle ebb and flow, like the tides guided by the moon.

Breathe in through your nose for the count of 3, one … two,… three

Exhale through your mouth for the count of 5, one…  two ….three…. Four …. five,

Breathe in through your nose for the count of 3, one … two,… three

Exhale through your mouth for the count of 5,   one…  two ….three…. Four …. five,

Make this your time to relax and allow your subconscious mind to make some positive change, focus on the words and if your mind starts to wander, gently bring yourself back and keep focused on the words.   Feel more and more relaxed with each breath in.   Feel more and more at peace 

As you continue to breathe deeply, visualize the glowing blue light of the Blue Moon illuminating your mind’s eye. This light represents your intuition, your inner wisdom, and the awareness that lies deep within. With each breath, allow this light to grow brighter, enhancing your connection to your true self.

Breathe in deeply, feeling the freshness of the air as it enters your nostrils. Exhale slowly, allowing any tension or worries to melt away with each breath. Now, close your eyes and envision a radiant blue light, shimmering and undulating, originating from the heart of the universe. This is the Blue Moon’s light – a manifestation of pure consciousness, wisdom, and the interconnectedness of all things.

As you breathe in, this ethereal blue light enters your being, illuminating your essence from the inside out. Feel it coursing through every cell, every atom, every iota of your existence. With its guidance, awaken to the insights that have been dormant within you, waiting for the right moment to emerge. This light offers clarity, understanding, and a renewed connection to your higher self.

Now, as you bask in the profound glow of this transcendent energy, open your heart to the possibility of communing with your spiritual guides. They exist in various forms – as ancestors who walked this Earth before you, angels that watch over from realms unseen, and cosmic energies that resonate with the frequency of love.

In this sanctuary of the Blue Moon’s light, extend your gratitude towards these beings. As you do, sense their comforting presence as a gentle embrace, wrapping you in the warmth of age-old wisdom and unwavering support. Their existence is a testament to the eternal cycle of life, love, and learning.

Reach out to them. Ask your questions, share your doubts, or simply bask in their silent, nurturing presence. Listen intently, for their guidance may come in hushed whispers, a burst of intuition, or an overwhelming sensation of love.

As you immerse yourself in this union, remember that every insight, every message, every emotion is rooted in unconditional love and a deep desire for your growth and well-being. Allow their wisdom to blend with the Blue Moon’s light, creating a powerful alchemy that transforms and uplifts your spirit.

When you are ready, gently bring your awareness back to your physical surroundings, carrying with you the blessings, insights, and renewed vigor from this sacred encounter. Breathe deeply, open your eyes, and move forward with gratitude and purpose, knowing that the universe and its guides are always with you, in every step of your journey.

Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, slowly open your eyes, carrying the insights, wisdom, and tranquility of this meditation with you. Know that the energy of the Blue Moon and the connection with your spiritual guides remain with you, guiding you as you move forward.